Above picture is a page of wedding invitation of a close friend. Just like his thoughts the card is also a much matured one… For people who can’t understand Telugu here is a free lance translation of above. Though I may fail to translate the exact feel, I tried my best to convey the message…
“Marriage, more than a delightful occasion, more than a process of couple of days, is a legally acknowledged societal association. Being the root for family system, this relation is essential for human society’s augmentation.
A Marriage should happen based on like & dislikes of the couple involved. Their ideas, thought processes should match. They need to get closer with love and honour.
They should have proper understanding about equality of man and woman. They must mutually respect the individualities. They should trust one another and solve problems that appear with joint opinions and deliberations.
In this relation one must leave the feelings of supremacy. None of them are instructor or follower. They must not try to command or control the other.
'Dowry' is an ill-social practice. Dowry in form of presents, compensations and formalities in marriages will make the alliance into a money based affinity. These things will link life of a girl with money and can potentially lead into discrimination of gender. It is shame for a girl to give dowry though she has money to buy her husband. It is worth to note that a guy who voluntarily rejects dowry is a reformer and Girl who says ‘NO’ to a guy who wants dowry is self dignified. "
People who know both languages pardon me for mistakes if any. Corrections are welcome…
Sounds like an essay on marriage!
But it's god damn true
Way to go :)
visu has also started blogging aa !! .. cool ...
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